oh gosh!! how bad am i??? NOVEMBER!! that's utterly unacceptable behaviour for a burlesque mama of my standing!! erm...sorry miss, my dog ate my blog!! no, no excuse will cut it I'll just have to go and stand in the corner and think about what I've done!!
in truth...what I've done is an awful lot!! we've had a lot of changes over the last few months...the biggest being that we now have focused all our time and energy to www.aboxofburlesque.com and have closed the two other sister sites that were attached to it. Burlesque is the way forward! it was so difficult maintaining all three sites and "A Box of Burlesque" was so popular that it seemed the major website! so, we now have a brand spanking new site, new pics, new products and are growing in followers every day!! A box of burlesque is like Frankensteins monster! corset clad she lumbers forward on her bordello shoes sweeping maidens into her arms and plonking a feather fascinator on their pretty little heads!! from the heart though i am extremely grateful and slightly humbled by the lovely comments I've had from customers and browsers alike...all i ever wanted was to give ladies (and by default their partners!) some happiness and confidence in how they look...speaking from experience, as i became a mother i became a "plus size" and knocked in confidence and self esteem I've slowly clawed it back with the help of some beautiful clothing and a compliment or two! so thank you for being so supportive and i hope I've put a smile on your faces!! (feel like i should be holding a shiny statue or summat!)
anyhow...away from the mushy stuff we've also been making a lot of the products ourselves now..we've introduced our Personalised Necklaces and they've gone down really well and now I've started to make fascinators and bustles myself too...my bustles are something you'd see down the aisle of a big fat gypsy wedding..I'm in love with every one i make and as I'm just about to launch them on www.aboxofburlesque.com i will fight anyone who tries to purchase them!!
the biggest success though of the last few months has to be "A Box of Burlesque Corset Parties"...where i take most of the products to customers houses and they get legless and lace in!!! they are so much fun and though i have personally travel the length and breath of the British isles in the last month alone I'm loving get to meet fabulous people...some who are corset aficionados and some burlesque virgins! i must admit turning the virgins is a personal favourite of mine...seeing a woman fall in love with the feeling of what a corset does for you is fantastic..and mainly they end up standing in their corset for a good fifteen minutes simply stroking their waists!! so, we have a laugh, play a game and get dressed up...and so well have they been going that I've also added in a burlesque performer too now!! (NO, not me although i keep dreaming up great routines!) anyone wanting a party email sales@aboxofburlesque.com but get in quick!!
so...i promise i haven't been wasting my time watching Loose Women and eating donuts...I've been working hard and even after this I'm preparing for my Marie-Antoinette tea party tomorrow followed by some crafting and a corset party at the weekend!!
as my little website www.aboxofburlesque.com is going from strength to strength and my Corset Parties grabbing the nation by the pasties i think i maybe able to write again around august time!! so you guys keep twirling those tassels and take a peek at the shop once in a while for new products and get booking those parties...who knows i may see you personally before i get round to writing the next blog!
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